March 6, 2013


Click on read more to see the 45 pictures which tell you the story of 2 years

Today I am having my second anniversary as a blogger, wow I almost can’t believe it! Times absolutely flies when we are having fun! With this post I'd like to tell you more about my daily work, the events I visit, friends I meet and more. Let my start from the beginning. I have always been interested in fashion! After graduating high school in 2007 my headmaster advised me to visit TMO European Fashion Business School.  He suggested this school as the perfect next step in my career. He was right!! During this time I dreamed about a job in the fashion industry. I have to be honest, the beginning was really hard, because it's difficult to find a place to start. 

In 2009 I went to Cannes where I took a language course in French. During my stay in Cannes I met Dutch girl named Debra, she's from Amsterdam. Her mother runs a clothing  store called Beverly Beethoven in Amsterdam. We had an amazing time in France, we learned a lot, but also went to club like Palais. Afterwards we kept in touch and became real friends (and still are!! ).  At that moment I didn’t have a blog yet.

Around January Alice (Debra’s mom) ask me if  I'd like to attend Amsterdam fashion week with her. This was January 2010 and  Dutch designer Mada van Gaans showed her collection at Westergasfabriek Amsterdam. I loved the fashion atmosphere, all the people and the many nice impressions I had for the first time!  Some time later Alice asked me about blogging:  ‘Why don’t you become a blogger? It is the new trend”.  My first answer was: “What the hell is blogging?” But in no time I was visiting many places as a blogger for Beverly Beethoven. I went to Cartier party, events, fashion weeks etcetera. After a while I wanted my own blog to express my own creativitybut I didn't really know how to start up a blog.  On 6 March 2011 I just decided to started with this post! (click here to read),  I started out writing in Dutch about fashion and posted some small and fuzzy pictures.

In the beginning I shot all my pictures with my Blackberry camera. Unbelievable that I came this far with only this kind of text and pictures! In the meantime my blog grew and got more visitors. My dad gave me his Nikon D50 as a gift to take better pictures. As my pictures improved I also decided to start writing in English to reach a broader audience and have a more professional style. Nowadays I still go to many fashionweeks, events, trips and do many nice things for my blog.  

Now you are probably all wondering what the moment was I made that big step forward into the world of fashion blogging?! As I already told you in my previous post, I think that moment was when I became a fulltime blogger and started to take things really seriously. This was around August 2012 since then my blog has become more and more successful. Based on these pictures (please click on read more to see all the pictures!!) I'll show you the highlights of two years Fashionista Chloe.

My first Amsterdam Fashionweek with Debra winter 2010, just before I started up my own blog.  By the way what do you think about my hair. On this picture it is shorter with more layering. Like?

This is one of my first outfitpost I made for my blog FashionistaChloe. To tell you the truth, this is not the first one because that one were too small, had a low resolution and was a bit fuzzy. what do you think, have I changed?

The first fashionweek I attended as a blogger was Arnhem Fashionweek. I think some of you don't know about the existence of this fashionweek. Unfortunately, it took place only once! Funny fact, during this fashionweek I met John (first picture), also known as The Face or better model from the Face. After that he became a well known European model. On the second picture you see me with Maarten, we where best friends during TMO and we stayed in touch after we graduated. 

Here I am together with the lovely catwalk coach Mariana Verkerk. I really love her enthusiastic and positive attitude. We often see each other during events where we talk about the fashion crowd, industry and or businesses. We have always talked about working together. It's sounds great: A fashionblogger with a catwalkwalkcoach. Maybe we can make a program like Who becomes Holland's best Fashionblogger?! LOL, people can dream, Who knows where we'll eventually end up.

This was my first press trip to Antwerpen organized by Fashionclub70 and D.A.T.E sneakers. Together with some fellow bloggers we went to Fashionclub70 HQ were we got introduced to the brands they represent. Afterwards we attended an amazing party by D.A.T.E sneakers at Magic Antwerpen. On this picture, I'm together with fellow bloggers Yvette Koedam, Debbie Nuchelmans and Brenda van Noort.

And yes my first London Fashionweek, where I got interviewed by BBC. Unfortunately the video was not made available on internet. By the way if you are planning a trip to London, you should definately visit Spitafield market on Sundays. They have an amazing vintage market in Bricklane, which is a must see.

Together with Liza Sips during two different events.

My first feature in the Dutch newspaper "De Gelderlander". It is all about blogging, how I started and how I got this far. The same things that I'm blogging about right know. I really loved this article and it was an honor to have been featured in my morning paper! .

One of my dreams came true: I attended Paris fashionweek. These pictures are from exactly one year ago. I had a great time, slept in an amazing Hilton Suite, met Susanna Lau (also known as Susie Bubble) and Anna Dello Russo, got interviewed by Treetslook and saw some amazing shows. It was the best time of my life!

Together with PR girl Suzanne at the G-Star Styling night at PC Hooftstraat Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Picture one from 2011 and picture two one year later in 2012.  Have we changed?

I met some great and lovely German bloggers during my trips to Berlin Fashionweek. On this picture me, together with bloggers Sophie and Liza. Hope to see you you soon again girls!


 Together with my lovely friend Debra. I met her in Cannes and what happens in Cannes, stays in Cannes. Joking! These pictures were made last May when Debra thought about visiting her family in Monaco and in Mougins. On the first day the weather was great, as you can see in these pictures, and we went to the beach. The other two days the weather was horrible: it rained, stormed and it was cold, but that could not hurt the fun! On our second day we went to the Film Festival de Cannes and partied all night long in the biggest clubs of Cannes. I had a lot of fun, but I came home less tanned than I was before I left. LOL

WOW! When I see this picture I want to go back directly to this amazing place in Ibiza. I took these pictures during my holiday at Villa Uma in Ibiza last June. I have to be honest, Villa Uma is the most beautiful place on earth!!
And again in the South of France together with Marloes and Laura. When I see these pictures I only can think of one thing: I was super tan and now I'm as white as a milk bottle. I hope it will be summer soon!
This is me together with my best friend Anne Lotte, last summer on the beach. I really wanted to share this picture with you! We have a special friendship since nursery school. She means a lot for me and deserves a place in my 2nd anniversary diary!

Random outfit picture

Presstrip to Maastricht with Travelbird. I had so much fun with the girls! Thanks Travelbird for this opportunity!

Those of you who read my blog daily know that I am not really that kind of party crasher, but when I got an invitation for Sensation White I thought I had to take a chance. It was a great party, I danced to the beats, drank some delicious cocktails as you can see on above picture and met some potential flirts, LOL!

Making fun with my friends from Nijmegen at the International Four Day Marches of Nijmegen (or Vierdaagse) last year. I really like the second picture!

I got interviewed by Dutch TV about my fashion blog Fashionista Chloë. I showed my wardrobe and gave them a quick peek behind the scenes of making an outfitpost. Afterwards they interviewed my about my life as a fashion blogger. Please play the video to see my one minute of fame!

My amazing trip to Berlin Fashionweek with fellow blogger Linsey. We had so much fun! We went to the HQ of Zalando and met the Dutch Zalando PR team. After that we went to the famous Dandy Diary party, which was not really my kind of party, but it was a nice experience (I know I already told you in my post from earlier) and I met the famous Facehunter. All in all I had a good time and it became a great memory which I will take forever with me.

My feature in Dutch fashion magazine Fashionista. As you may can understand I was proud and have never could imagine that I became that far with my blog!

You probably all know this picture, which photographer Maxime Cardol took of me at Park Plaza Vondelpark hotel a few weeks ago. Have you seen it yet? Please click here to read my entire adventure.

My second feature in the Dutch paper "De Gelderlander" about my new project "FashionistaChloeTV'. Below one of my favorite video's for Fashionista Chloe TV, The Emporio Armani 15th anniversary.

Love this picture took by photographer Mathijs Hanenkamp

One of my lastest adventures, The C&A reimagine campaign trip to Madrid. I have to be honest, I screamed of happiness when I got the invitation for this trip in my mailbox . They only selected two Dutch bloggers for this trip and I was one of them! AMAZING! I had such a great time in Madrid and met some international bloggers, I will never forget this trip experience. Want to read more about my Madrid/C&A trip? please click here to read the diary.

I love the fact I already have so many devoted and lovely followers. To achieve this, I worked hard over the past 2 years. It is nice to say that every single comment on one of my posts makes me happy. I like the fact that I can see if you appreciate my outfits and content. These 45 pictures tell you the story of 2 years fashionista Chloe (I did many more of course, but this is just a small recap). I Hope you have enjoyed this special post as much as I did! Now on to the next years and steps in my blogging career. At last, please listen to one of my favorite sounds, "Fashionista by Jimmy James".

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  1. wonderful experiences, dear! congrats!
    happy blog birthday!!!!
    hope to see you soon <3
    lovely greets
    maren anita

    FASHION-MEETS-ART by Maren Anita

  2. SOOO beautiful!! have a good blogging day! and keep it up!

  3. Leuke post! Happy blog anniversary!! :D Je bent in twee jaar zo ver gekomen, echt heel knap!
    Ik hoop ooit ook van die geweldige events mee te mogen maken als fashionblogger :)


  4. Gefeliciteerd! Super gaaf wat je allemaal hebt meegemaakt Chloë :) En ik vind het ook super gaaf dat je in (de omgeving van?) Nijmegen woont. Ben ik wel een beetje trots op haha. liefs

  5. Congrats! super leuke post ! :D

  6. Gefeliciteerd :-) Wat een hoop toffe dingen heb je gedaan zeg!
    Je kan echt trots op jezelf zijn! Je bent in die twee jaar tijd al zo ver gekomen!

    xo The Daily Fashion Drug

  7. Gefeliciteerd!

    Wat leuk om te zien allemaal :)

  8. Wow, great pics! You´ve come so far with your blog and did a really good job :) Happy blogiversary!!

  9. Gefeliciteerd heel leuk om te zien allemaal!

  10. Happy anniversary

  11. What can I say? HAPPY BIRTHDAY :D
    What a great past, good luck for the future!

  12. Gefeliciteerd! Gaaf om te zien wat je al hebt mee mogen maken door je blog :)

  13. Congratulations Chloe!! happy blog-birthday!

  14. Super leuke post! En ofcourse van harte gefeliciteerd! Spannend hoop dat er nog veeeel meer leuke dingen op je pad komen :) Xo

  15. Gefeliciteerd! Wat leuk om te zien! xxx

  16. GEFELICITEERD! Hele leuke post meid. Echt geweldig! X

  17. Ik ben trots op je!!! gefeliciteerd!!!

    Liefs xxx Anouk

  18. je foto's zijn echt top!!
    Zo leuk om naar te kijken!
    Super post liefje!

  19. Congrats ! Heel leuk zo'n post !
    Je hebt echt al coole dingen meegemaakt dankzij je blog :)
    fashion in belgium

  20. waauw, gefeliciteerd met je blogs 2e verjaardag! Je hebt echt supergave dingen mogen doen en zo veel moois bereikt, echt top!
    Discover my Stylish Confessions♥
    Discover my Stylish Confessions♥

  21. Gefeliciteerd! Echt een geweldige post! Wat heb je super veel leuke dingen kunnen doen :)
    Op naar nog veel meer jaren Fashionista Chloe!!

    LOVE BO,

  22. Wat onwijs leuk om te zien Chloe! Gefeliciteerd natuurlijk! Je hebt al zoveel leuke dingen mogen meemaken, hopelijk mag je in de toekomst nog veel meer leuke dingen doen! :) xx Laura

  23. Leuke post heb je er van gemaakt en vooral de teksten eronder. Op naar een extra jaartje!

  24. Wat ontzettend leuk om te zien! En zo'n mooie meid ben je ook :)
    Ik blog inmiddels ook alweer 2 jaar, maar.. nog niet zo succesvol als jij helaas.


  25. Leuk meid!!! Gefeliciteerd.

    xx Mounia

  26. Hee meis, echt leuk om te lezen hoeveel je allemaal gedaan hebt de afgelopen 2 jaar! En zo ja, wat is 't omgevlogen! Op naar nog veel meer succesvolle blogjaren :D Liefs Janneke

  27. Hee meis, echt leuk om te lezen hoeveel je allemaal gedaan hebt de afgelopen 2 jaar! En zo ja, wat is 't omgevlogen! Op naar nog veel meer succesvolle blogjaren :D Liefs Janneke

  28. Hee meis, echt leuk om te lezen hoeveel je allemaal gedaan hebt de afgelopen 2 jaar! En zo ja, wat is 't omgevlogen! Op naar nog veel meer succesvolle blogjaren :D Liefs Janneke

  29. Hee meis, echt leuk om te lezen hoeveel je allemaal gedaan hebt de afgelopen 2 jaar! En zo ja, wat is 't omgevlogen! Op naar nog veel meer succesvolle blogjaren :D Liefs Janneke

  30. Hee meis, echt leuk om te lezen hoeveel je allemaal gedaan hebt de afgelopen 2 jaar! En zo ja, wat is 't omgevlogen! Op naar nog veel meer succesvolle blogjaren :D Liefs Janneke

  31. Hee meis, echt leuk om te lezen hoeveel je allemaal gedaan hebt de afgelopen 2 jaar! En zo ja, wat is 't omgevlogen! Op naar nog veel meer succesvolle blogjaren :D Liefs Janneke

  32. nogmaals;
    happy blog birthday!
    op naar nog vele jaren =)

  33. gefeliciteerd meis! Mooie post; met een nog mooier verhaal!!

  34. Lieve Chloe ik had je Verjaardags Taart foto of facebook al geliked maar ik wilde het natuurlijk ook nog even officieel doen! SUPER GEFELICITEERD MET JE BLOGS B-DAY! Ik wens je onwijs succesvolle carriere in alles wat je hartje begeert en waar je pad je brengt! Dat we samen nog maar veel cocktail mogen drinken, feestje mogen bezoeken en voornamelijk in de toekomst maandelijkse perstrips naar het buitenland mogen maken!



  35. Er is er een jarig hoera hoeraaaaa, dat kun je wel zien dat ben JIJ! Niet alleen bestaat je blog 2 jaar, jij bent ook een beetje jarig vandaag ;).
    Liefsss, Tess.

    P.s.: de taart was smullleeennn

  36. Great history! Very interesting! Congratulations!

  37. Super leuke post schat! En congrats of course!!!! Trots op je :)


  38. Erg leuk om te zien :-) En gefeliciteerd! Na 2 jaar al zo ver, echt super!

  39. Happy blogbirthday met je awesome sunnies!!

    X Laura

  40. Such a great blog.
    Wanna follow each other? :) You are so beautiful, I'd welcome this very very much!

    Check this out:

  41. oh dear, congra for these 2 amazing years.

  42. Congratulations Chloé! I loved all the pictures and the article was so touchy. <3 You should be very proud of yourself for taking the blog this far! Keep up with the good work, you're doing a great job! Happy Birthday! xx

    Mariann @cashmereinstyle

  43. Congratulations to you and Fashionista Chloe =) Looks like your blog had bring you places and had getting better as years goes by. Cheers to you and more anniversaries to come! =)


I really appreciate every new comment or follower and always visit your blog back. Thanks!

PS. for questions please send an email to ♥ ♥ ♥

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